It's in the Blood
Q running with excitement into a Chinese restaurant holding his Hannukah boardbook.
Husband beaming with pride and announcing, "I TOLD you he is Jewish!"
What is it with Jews and Chinese food? I swear the husband thinks that beef & broccoli is part of his cultural palate. This might just be a secular/reformed Jew thing, but in the world of my midwestern Irish Catholic parents, there was no Chinese food for me. Not until I went off the the wild world of liberal arts college.
Our kid is fulfilling his duty to love Chinese food easily and happily. You should see his face light up when talk about going out for "noodles".
Q has blond hair and pale skin. Good for the the husband that can finally point to evidence that this kid is half his:)
It must be in the blood.
This made me laugh out loud. Just don't get between the kid and his noodles.
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