My Cerclage

In September 2005, I was pregnant with twin girls. I lost my pregnancy at 19 weeks apparently due to my "incompetent cervix." I became pregnant again and wrote all about it on this blog. I now have a wonderful son. Since bed rest, anxiety and cerclage were so much fun, I've decided to do it all again.....

Friday, August 15, 2008


I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. We were lucky enough to spend a week in the land of island breezes with the two kids--we got back from Hawaii nearly a week ago. The jet lag and the 4 month old who thinks it's time to wake up for the day at 4am are killing me.

This is what happens. Tired and cranky I drag myself to bed way later than I should. Who knew fencing and synchronized diving are so addicting? And to Michael Phelps I say, "Damn you!"

Anyway, I finally drag sorry self to bed. When the light goes off after a little bedtime reading, I start down a fruitless road that does no one any good. I think about how little miss will wake me up so I should really be asleep. It starts with worry about the upcoming night, then turns to worry about the next morning and then on and on about how I will be a mess and never sleep again. Once this anxiety is engaged in, it happens that every single noise (I try to say he's snoring, but maybe it is husband's loud breathing that bothers me) is as if someone is right at my ear torturing me. Eventually I get to sleep, but sometimes it takes a few hours. And horrifically, given my love of keeping myself awake, I go through the whole thing again after feeding little miss--not every night, just some nights.Add to this baby and 2 year old having their own sleep issues, and well. You can only imagine how fun I am in the morning. Yes, babies and insomnia are NOT a good mix.

The kids are both mercifully napping right now. Now I go to do the same.


Blogger sarah said...

I hate that. Now that Ethan is (finally!!!) pretty much sleeping through the night most of the time, I find myself tossing and turning. Unreal.

10:16 PM  

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