My Cerclage

In September 2005, I was pregnant with twin girls. I lost my pregnancy at 19 weeks apparently due to my "incompetent cervix." I became pregnant again and wrote all about it on this blog. I now have a wonderful son. Since bed rest, anxiety and cerclage were so much fun, I've decided to do it all again.....

Friday, April 18, 2008

Due Date

Hiya! It's my due date! Where's my new baby?? Not here yet. I was up for a few hours early this morning with some very strong lower back pain and a few contractions, but here it is 8:23am west coast time and there's nothing doing.

There still is a chance that I could be induced today since my fluid was a little low at antenatal testing earlier this week. Did I tell you about that? I probably avoided it because the only reason I go in every week is because I am so OLD.

Anyway, they saw me Wednesday and my amniotic fluid had gone down to just this side of normal. They want to see me today.

We are bringing the hospital bag and the infant car seat. Wishful thinking, I suspect.


Blogger Alice said...

Every time the phone has rang today, I keep thinking that it is Chris calling saying your husband called and the baby is here! Here's hoping!

12:22 PM  
Blogger sarah said...

Seriously! Your cervix could not be more competent. LOL

I hope she's here!!!

8:12 PM  
Blogger Monica H said...

I hope all the wishful thinking has done some good!

8:47 PM  

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