My Cerclage

In September 2005, I was pregnant with twin girls. I lost my pregnancy at 19 weeks apparently due to my "incompetent cervix." I became pregnant again and wrote all about it on this blog. I now have a wonderful son. Since bed rest, anxiety and cerclage were so much fun, I've decided to do it all again.....

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Moment of Zen

No new baby yet.

HOWEVER, I feel like I have settled down the crazy the last few days. Maybe it's the amazing quality time with Quinn, which feels so wonderful. He is so fantastic right now--so verbal, so funny and so unaware that he is so funny. I smile so much when I'm with him. It's hard to even write about. I read back what I wrote and it seems so hollow compared to my experience. Ew. Gush.

Then there is the fact that we are back home, the licensing exam is done, work is done, the old baby clothes are unearthed (yes, I will have a baby girl in blue onesies) the new diapers purchased. Even I am having trouble finding new nesting habits. Between the in-laws, the nanny (who we still have full-time until the end of this month) and myself, everyone is chomping at the bit to spend time with Quinn, so I get to rest when I need rest and spend time with him when I feel like I can. This new space of not having 1,000 things to do while waiting for the arrival if little girl actually is sort of nice and has forced me to relax. I don't have that much to do, so now I actually pick up a book or take a bath.

Yesterday, at my yoga class, I was meditating with my hands on the belly. I realized that here I am 40 freaking weeks pregnant(!!) with a healthy happy child and a lovely home. Why am I am complaining? During this short period of enlightenment, I sent some yummy thought waves to the little girl and actually, for one whole moment, felt very content.

When I got home I noticed all the dust that is still in the house from construction, realized that we have no place for the dog (poor, poor dog--such an afterthought) when I go into the hospital and found a few other tidbits to obsess on. But really, overall that moment of zen in yoga has continued--in it's way. Maybe I have to get here for my body to get there.

Friday is 40 weeks officially.


Blogger May said...

Yay for Zen moments. Sounds wonderful.

You are now more pregnant than I have ever been (or will ever be)!! Whose cervix is incompetent now, huh???

Good luck with the delivery (and handling 2 under 2). Can I have your nanny? Please? Pretty please?

3:30 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

Good for you! Take every zen moment you can get! I agree w/ May, your cervix sounds pretty competent to me.
Can't wait for the news!

7:00 PM  
Blogger Becci said...

So much for an incompetent cervix!! I am really pleased for you to have gotten so far and hope the "zen" feeling continues. Perhaps you could send some of those "zen" vibes toward my fertility (or lack thereof)? I have serious lack of zen....

Now, go have that baby! I want to see her!

7:19 PM  
Blogger sarah said...

I love moments like that!

and a big fat "whatever" to your cervix. She seems pretty competent to me.

7:49 PM  
Blogger Monica H said...

Yay to zen moments, and a well behaved cervix!

9:18 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Cervix of steel woman! Congratulations for making it to 40 weeks!
I can't wait to dive back into your archives and figure out how you've managed life with a toddler, cerclage and work...I plan to take copious notes.

3:01 PM  

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