My Cerclage

In September 2005, I was pregnant with twin girls. I lost my pregnancy at 19 weeks apparently due to my "incompetent cervix." I became pregnant again and wrote all about it on this blog. I now have a wonderful son. Since bed rest, anxiety and cerclage were so much fun, I've decided to do it all again.....

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Cheating, Who Me?

Apparently, the teething was the main issue. Poor guy. Despite round the clock Motrin, Quinn was having a hard hard time with the new big fat teeth. It seems like they've arrived, and now he is much happier and also back to himself a bit. In addition, we have all gotten used to the hovel and everyone is sleeping better. That first week was tough. Teeth, hovel, pregnancy and all the rest were too much for me. Good news, because two weeks left before returning home turned back into 3 weeks. I'm hoping we'll be back home before mid-March. We'll see.

Nothing else to report. It is raining here today. I am by myself with Quinn. Yes, I spend time with him by myself because I am a cheater. I started cheating at 28 weeks. I looked in to the archives of this blog. That's when I started cheating last time, too. I pick him up now and then. We do all sorts of things I shouldn't do. Dr. C gets mad and compliments his great stitch, implying, as usual, it has nothing to do with me. In fact, he implies the only reason disaster hasn't struck is his handiwork--given my level of non-compliance. Hey, at least I tell the truth. I'm not hiding that I cheat.I think Dr. C has it wrong. It's my cervix that is so great. It doesn't help my motivation that nothing changes on every ultrasound in spite of my increased activity. It gets worse and worse as I get further along because I tend to rationalize now if the stitch is so great, it will probably hold if it needs to.

They set me free at 34 weeks during Q's pregnancy. That's just two weeks from now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all continues to go well. Dr. C hasn't given a firm date for "regular" activity, but knowing him, it won't be until he removes his amazing handiwork at 36-37 weeks. Still, that's not too long from now. Not long at all.


Blogger Becci said...

I would be cheating, too!

6:59 AM  
Blogger Alice said...

Awesome news. I'm so glad that it was just teeth. I can't say the same for us since molars have been in for a while. If I can throw in my two cents, last time, the stitch was claimed to be useless and you went to term, right? So maybe it is that your body can do it! That said, take it easy, don't try to be superwoman. It won't be long and then TWO! AH!

2:47 PM  

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