My Cerclage

In September 2005, I was pregnant with twin girls. I lost my pregnancy at 19 weeks apparently due to my "incompetent cervix." I became pregnant again and wrote all about it on this blog. I now have a wonderful son. Since bed rest, anxiety and cerclage were so much fun, I've decided to do it all again.....

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year

The holidays were great. Except that I did waay too much and didn’t relax at all. You should have seen Dr. Cerclage's big furry eyebrows (he looks like the Grinch who stole Christmas—the kindly version) furrow with concern when I said we were hosting Christmas Eve and also having tons'o' East coast visitors. He said, as always, that all he wants is to reduce my stress and said, once again, that I could continue working, but I can tell he doesn’t love it.

The visitors all left last Saturday after 7 days of holiday activities. By Sunday, we had our first trip to the ER with Quinn. He got in a fight with a metal slide, and the slide won. The actual injury involved a few chipped teeth and a bloody gum. I didn’t think we needed to go to the hospital, but the advice nurse we called from the pediatrician’s office insisted that he must be evaluated. We spent hours waiting just to be told that there was nothing to do but follow up with a dentist if we felt like it. It was especially gratifying when the first year resident looked at his purple gum and chipped teeth and said, “hmm….teeth aren’t really my thing.”

At this point I was so exhausted that I was just grateful that we had another holiday so I didn’t have to go to work the next day.

So the next day, New Years Eve, we spent the entire day at multiple car dealerships! Even I am at the point of wondering if our 1995 Subaru that has over a 100 thousand miles on it is safe for a child anymore. The good news is that we ended the day getting a car (yay!!). The bad news? It took all day and something that started around 1pm didn’t end until 7pm. The visiting grandparents took Quinn for the night so husband and I could have a crazy night out.

We went out for dinner where I insisted we celebrate New Years on East Coast time (9pm). We yawned the whole meal through. We were in bed by 10pm. Asleep by 11.

Then yesterday, New Years Day, while still exhausted from all of this great activity the Braxton Hicks contractions (a daily part of life I sort of ignore) decided to go haywire. I had 6 cintractions between 9 and 10pm. I called the Labor and Delivery department. How many weeks? 24 or so? A cerclage? Come on in! So….the grandmother was called out of her bed and into our house. Husband and I went to the hospital where we remained until 1am. No contractions. No cervical changes. Cervix still looks about 3cm.

While I am extremely relieved, I am also feeling a little like maybe I need to slow down. The trip to L&D was a little wake up call. No need to play with fire while I just am touching viability. I am not anywhere ready to meet this little girl.

I have visits with all the peri’s in this week and next. I hope they don’t make me stop working, but I’ll do whatever they say. I promise. I am so not interested in any more emergency trips to the hospital for me or any family members!


Blogger Monica H said...

Yes, indeed sloooooow down. I'mnot ready to meet your little girl either. She still has a while to cook in there.

BTW, is Quinn okay?

Hope you have a blessed new year :)

12:43 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

Oh my God! What an eventful holiday season. Yes, yes! I order you to take it easy.
I'm so sorry to hear about Quinn's accident! What a nightmare. He and Domi now have matching chipped tooth smiles. Domi's happened literally before the tooth was even completely out. Oh, well, at least they aren't permanent.

1:59 PM  
Blogger sarah said...

Good lord! So busy!!! Please, slow down! You're making me feel so unproductive! LOL ;-)n

5:58 PM  
Blogger CA Momma said...

Just found your blog. Love it. Hoping to get pregnant in the next year or so and I might have to do a Cerclage. So glad I found you.

10:50 AM  

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