My Cerclage

In September 2005, I was pregnant with twin girls. I lost my pregnancy at 19 weeks apparently due to my "incompetent cervix." I became pregnant again and wrote all about it on this blog. I now have a wonderful son. Since bed rest, anxiety and cerclage were so much fun, I've decided to do it all again.....

Monday, November 12, 2007

Legitimate Pet Peeve or Bitchy Pregnant Lady?

Everyone has pet peeves, but here is one that makes my blood boil. It’s always made my blood boil.

I HATE it when people take a table at a café before ordering their food. You know, put their stuff down and have their friend save the table. The table that everyone already in line has a legitimate claim too. It happened this weekend. It practically ruined my one-cup-of-caffeinated-coffee-happy-moment. In this case, the offenders were at the end of a long line of people in a very crowded sparsely furnished cafe. I saw the table when we walked in. I noticed it was nice and large and perfect for a pregnant lady and a stroller and a husband and a Sunday Times. I understood that there were two of us so one could save the table while the other ordered. I was tempted, but I refrained because I think it is the wrong café etiquette in these situations (here I nod emphatically).

In walked a group of singles. One of them sat the table and casually threw down their Sunday NY Times. Another sat and shrugged. The rest stayed in line. Grrrrr.

I used to sometimes say things in these situations, but unfortunately, saying something never made me feel better. People never respond with the "Oh, right. You are totally right. Thank you for pointing that out to me. I wish someone had enlightened me earlier. You know what? You’re a really good person." They just sort of look at you like "Crazy uptight bitch." Furthermore, I did say something one time and the person did say sorry and got up and even that was totally unsatisfying. I ended up feeling guilty and started spewing, “It’s no big deal. Stay.” Even uttering a dreadful, “Sorry!”

Now I have settled on this totally not useful passive aggressive thing where I say loudly, "That is so rude,” while staring at offenders and shaking my head disappointedly. If any one of them actually looks at me as if to speak, I look away red faced and caught. None of this is good.

Luckily,on Sunday, another table opened after we ordered. I still couldn't help staring daggers throughout my meal. And like I mentioned, I almost took no enjoyment from my one-cup-o-day.

Anyway, if any of you are fond of this practice, let me just say to you, it's rude. It is just rude and unfair. I don’t know that people always get that this is an obvious rude thing. But it is. Especially in well known popular bakeries on Sunday morning. Please don't do it. You might be causing some hormonal nightmare of a pregnant lady a lot of undue stress.


Blogger Alice said...

Yes it's rude, it's totally rude, but I must sheepishly admit that I've been guilty of that in the past. But before you disown my friendship, I was young! It was in school and usually only at places like Barnes and Noble, or that ilk, and we'd each have forty pounds of books. It was never early enough in the day to see little children or pregnant ladies I swear!! Still rude, but a little more understandable I hope.

6:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hunh. I never really thought about it as rude before. When coming into a busy seat-yourself environment, it always just made sense to split up the tasks, especially with a toddler in tow. One of us would find a table and the other would get the food. Is this generally considered equivalent to cutting in line? It never ocurred to me before.


6:58 AM  
Blogger Becci said...

Legitimate peeve!!!!

I tagged you, BTW.

7:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IMHO, the proper approach is to claim the table, but not hesitate to get up and offer it to any pregnant/elderly/otherwise-more-needing-and-deserving-types once they have their food. xo Chris

8:39 AM  
Blogger Monica H said...

Hello K,

I have just read your entire blog and I must say I give you props for lasting that long on bed rest. I only did it for a little over 3 weeks and I thought I was going to die. I remember having a headache every single day as I laid in bed. ugh!

I have had two losses both due to IC. I lost my first son at 17w1d in August 2006 when my cervix opened and my water broke. With my second son I had a vag. cerclage placed that didn't work. The amniotic sac bulged out of my cervix and I miscarried at 16w4d in February of this year.

We are going to try again in 2008 but will have to have a trans abdominal cerclage placed. It is really invasive and I was wondering what kind of cerclage you had this time. Any and all information will be helpful and appreciated.

I am so sorry for your losses and I wish you the best throughout this pregnancy. BTW, Quinn is beautiful! I added you to my blogroll is that okay?


12:35 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, I've just found your blog as I sit here on bedrest/apartment rest at 20 weeks pregnant and wondering if I will ever make it to the end AND if the thought of another pregnancy madness so reading your story gives me hope. Good luck with this pregnancy. It must be really hard not being able to do the things you used to for your son. As one friend says, "Nothing lasts for ever." Hopefully in 6 months we are back to our normal run-around-the-place states.

9:08 AM  
Blogger ~JLL~ said...

Legitimate peeve! How far along are you? I had my cerclage placed at 12 weeks. I am 18w2d today; I lost my son 2 years ago at 20w1d. I have a blog on here as well; just started it don't know how to save you.

12:38 PM  

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