My Cerclage

In September 2005, I was pregnant with twin girls. I lost my pregnancy at 19 weeks apparently due to my "incompetent cervix." I became pregnant again and wrote all about it on this blog. I now have a wonderful son. Since bed rest, anxiety and cerclage were so much fun, I've decided to do it all again.....

Sunday, August 10, 2008

On Having Two

I finally reached out to a few friends who also have two kids.

Here are some quotes:

"Two is really friggin hard, let me tell you; I'm amazed I'm not living in Rio under an assumed name."

"Two kids is kicking our ass."

And this response from a dear friend (and mother of two) when I chose to rant about how hard my life had become:

"Keep your eyes on the prize. Every day/week/month you get through is a glorious victory. It will get better and it will go by much faster than Q's first 4 months. And then you will ferberize the hell out of her in a few short days and forget the incredible suffering you experienced and move on with your life and fast."

I really love the lack of sentimentality on that one. I'm not kidding. I do. I love it.

Then there is the moms group where a lot of moms have kids slightly older than Q and newborns similarly aged as baby O. One mom finally admitted that the hours late in the afternoon were hard for her (now I know why it is "happy hour" at 5. Because honestly? The end of the day, say around 4pm when nap time is a long ago memory and bedtime isn't till 8pm? Yeah. That is the longest freakin' hour of the day. 4pm to 5pm. I was wondering how people got through it, and then I realized, oh! "Happy" hour). Finally, one honest mom said, "Late afternoon? I'm counting the hours till bedtime immediatly after she wakes from her nap!"

Despite this negative tone, it is all wonderful too. Especially when Q is making baby O cackle her little head off and you, as a parent, realize they have a relationship totally their own already. There are other aspects of joy as well. The love you have for these little beings is so beyond amazing it is impossible for me to put into words. But that said, I am really glad to have the above quotes to know that I am not alone in the toddler newborn struggle. Really, everything would be fine with a few good nights of sleep (now a distant memory).

The sad part is that even as I write all of this, I get that it will be over before I know it. And knowing me, I'll even miss it:)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh.....SO NICE TO HEAR that I'm not alone in the struggle with 2 small ones! (2 boys, 18 months apart). It. is. so. hard. But guess what? It's getting easier, finally - at 26 months and 8 months, I finally feel like I have my sanity back. Okay, sometimes my sanity only hangs on by a thread. But it's there!

Best to you and the little ones!

6:25 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

Oh man do I hear you sister! There's a reason people look at you with sympathy when you've got 2 under 2. I know it gets easier, which is why we can do it, but the waiting is the hardest part!

5:59 AM  
Blogger Becci said...

I am looking forward too joining the toddler and newborn crowd soon:) I'm sure that you're a kickass mommy.

8:34 AM  

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