A few days ago, I endured my cerclage. This is a procedure I am electing to do to ensure that my pregnancy goes full-term without another loss. For those who don't know, a cerclage is a surgery of sorts where they sew your cervix shut tight leaving the stitch in for the majority of the pregnancy. They supposedly take the stitch out at 36 weeks so you can then labor naturally.
My husband and I went into the hospital at 13 weeks on Feb 16th for our magical stitch and it sort of sucked. I guess I didn't know what to expect, but I think my denial made me decide that it was no biggy, something tons of women in my situation do, and once it was over, a BIG milestone is met and good-bye to the hospital until delivery. I think I kept on hoping it was just a quick "procedure". When it was finally time to walk into the OR, I was surprised by how manydoctors and nurses were in the freezing room with their masks and their shower cap like head gear. This seemed a little more surgery-like than the "procedure" I imagined, or had convinced myself I was having. I was in my little hospital gown and striped socks trying to act all brave as they sat me on the table and attempted to give me my spinal anesthesia. That appeared to take forever, but once it was over, they were all business, getting my legs in stirrups as my lower body said hello to the world. The anesthesia resident kept asking me if I could feel my legs, and I kept on saying that I could. I said it at least 5 times with growing alarm each time, "I can still feel them!" At some point, I guess they were satisfied that I couldn't feel much because it seemed like my peri and her team went to town, and I SWEAR I could feel way more that I should have. But, maybe I am wrong. Maybe that's just how these things go and other people manage the horrible pain of people poking holes into their cervix more easily! God knows I would hate to have felt this without the anesthesia at all. My doctor ended up putting two stitches in, saying my cervix looked "a little soft." Finally, it was done and they whisked me to the recovery room, where I immediately felt aching horrible pain like people had been rummaging around my insides...hey wait a minute! The HAD been rummaging around my insides. My husband, brother and sister-in law (the West Coast family) were all there looking concerned, and again, I put on my brave face. But these people know me too well, and they helped me to tell the nurse that I needed something for the pain. A vicadent or two later, and I was feeling fine.
Overnight in the hospital, minimal bleeding and not too much cramping and here I am at home on day 3 of strict bedrest. The first day was HORRIBLE. We got home, and since I couldn't go upstairs to take a shower until bedtime (limited stair climbing means only when its time to sleep) I sat with my iodine covered body and gross hospital smell, writhing around on the sofa trying to get comfortable without sitting up. I was wondering how I am going to get through this high risk pregnancy after our loss only a few short months ago. What if something goes wrong? How would I handle it after the devastation of losing our girls? How can I mange the next 6 months? After a few tears of frustration, and a very understanding husband, I got through the day. Day two was much better. Clean sheets, a shower and a good night sleep helped me to realize that this isn't so terrible, and hopefully my bedrest will get less strict as time goes on. Right? Maybe?
Day 3 today and the only thing that is bothering me is the cough I developed since leaving the hospital. Is it affecting my stitches? I called L&D and they said not to worry, just take some cough syrup, but I emailed my doc too and am waiting to hear her response. No bleeding and hardly any cramping. Our follow-up ultrasound and appointment is Thursday. Let's hope it all goes well.